trigons_child Jan 29, 2011 12:43
what: gratuitous jono abuse, who: warren, who: tahiri, what: not helping warren's raven issues, who: crazy cult members, where: church of blood, who: bobby, who: sebastian, plot: raven rising, what: gratuitous warren abuse, who: sookie, who: karla, what: resurrection, what: gratuitous...god shannon, who: jono, warning: canon dialogue can be painful, who: anakin, what: my vampire issues are canon, what: my canon is crack
trigons_child Jan 29, 2011 12:24
what: gratuitous jono abuse, who: warren, who: tahiri, what: not helping warren's raven issues, who: crazy cult members, where: church of blood, who: bobby, who: sebastian, plot: raven rising, who: sookie, who: karla, what: resurrection, who: jono, warning: canon dialogue can be painful, who: anakin, what: my vampire issues are canon, what: my canon is crack